Manganese ions exist widely in natural water. Therefore, domestic drinking water itself contains a small amount of metal ions, such as common iron ions, manganese ions, copper ions, etc. We have previously introduced that heavy metals in general water mai
We found that the errors of many items in daily water quality inspection were mostly not caused by instruments, but were caused by improper use of analysts in the process of use and operation, or some details of operation steps were not paid attention to.
Dissolved oxygen generally refers to oxygen dissolved in water. It is a necessary substance for aquatic organisms. If the water body receives pollution, dissolved oxygen will change. Therefore, in many cases, we can judge the water quality according to th
COD is one of the commonly used indicators in water quality testing. By detecting the COD parameters in the water body, the content of organic reducing substances can be known. So as to determine whether the water body is contaminated by organic matter.
Most of the common heavy metal zinc in surface water comes from industrial wastewater from mining, smelting, galvanizing and other industries. Generally, low content of zinc ions is less toxic. When zinc ions are enriched in soil or water, it will cause b
In general, many harmful substances in drinking water are mostly from water source pollution, while the trihalomethanes we are going to talk about today are just the opposite. Generally, such substances rarely exist in natural water bodies. However, in th
Most of the tetraethyl lead in industrial wastewater comes from the petrochemical industry. Its main function is to improve the shock resistance of gasoline, and such compounds are insoluble in water. Therefore, if the oil pollution of gasoline cannot be
Generally, most of the oil in industrial wastewater comes from industries such as refineries, petrochemicals, and oil extraction. Before, we introduced the steps of using fluorescence method to detect oil in surface water, but this method is not suitable
Acetonitrile in surface water, groundwater, domestic sewage and other water bodies can be determined by gas chromatography. The principle of this method is as follows. Direct injection method: The acetonitrile sample is directly injected into the gas ch
The principle of mass spectrometry for detecting odor substances is to use solid-phase extraction column to concentrate and enrich the odor substances in water, elute the odor substances retained on the solid-phase extraction column with eluent, and then